Which flower are you? Find out with our personality test!

Which of these flower is more similar to you? Orchid, Daffodil, Rose or Sunflower? Start the quiz!

What flowers have in common is that they are all unique in their own way. They are delicate and beautiful. But they are also very strong and resilient. Like you! Flowers are colorful and full of life and make the world brighter, and so are you! Seriously, we can't help but think of the similarities between flowers, which are vibrant and fragrant, and your beauty, who probably does both. While many people like to think of themselves as a rose, these flowers are high maintenance. You can be lower on the maintenance ladder and more like a sunflower. Prized for their beauty and fleeting meaning, flowers have historically been used to communicate at a time when people felt strong emotional statements were inappropriate. Even today, flowers can be sent to tell someone you love, as a simple gesture of kindness, a thank you, or even a way to send condolences. Our interests and things we find beautiful or interesting can provide insight into who we are. The distinctive traits and characteristics that make us unique are often how we are remembered. There is no doubt that your personality is more like a bouquet than a single flower. Once you know you're a flower, you'll have a whole new perspective on yourself. You can even start taking care of yourself in completely different ways.